Friday, July 15, 2011

Wish the "k" can change to "S" (UKM)

I missed you all.
I miss you all.
Hear me?
So, UPU results' out.
All the girls going to UKM except me, in USM.
Nothing to grumble about as it's always what I wanted.
But, seeing them together..Study together...
I just miss them so much.
I want to continue college life, with friends whom I've known for long.
Accompany me going through so many hard time.
Being with someone whom I can rely on.
Someone whom I do not need to talk much, but we know the right moment to say something.
Girls talk at night.

Sweet moments when we're together~

This is meikee.
My daughter.
Nice~ =)
She's such a sweet girl.
Trust me.. If you keep on shooting her photos even when she's talking, there's hardly ugly photos of her. hardly means, one out of hundreds.
She has the way of smiling while talking, which makes her just so sweet. =)

Qianni, the fashion show queen ^.^
First met her, I thought she's a mixed.
Then, we went through a lot of stuff together.
Would have miss you a lot too.
Remember how close we're during orientation week.
Then, often have meals together...
How well you sing.
Your voice's really great!

Amy, the super duper cute one lo.
Very matured and clear in what she wanna do.
Always very calm, or maybe show that she's calm but she's actually not tat calm.
Haha...what am I crapping.
But, she's the one that's so good and nice to seek advice for.

Finally, my block mate, my classmate and my soulmate(o.O)?
Wrong term >.<
She's the one who pushed me to class everyday when I'm in need.
When I cant study, she's the one that motivate me with all the trips coming soon.
She's the one who always accompany me.
When she's late, she's the one whom I have to shout her name from downstairs.
When I'm late, she's the one that blur blur come to my room to wake me up, then look into the big mirror while waiting for me.

They're the ones whom I wanna always be with.
In a group, I'm not afraid of anything.
Throughout the year, we've done many scary things together.
Remember late night in astaka waiting for moon?
Remember being scolded for staying late at canteen?
Amy, qianni, remember how we run from block to block to hide at the poles in canteen just to say happy birthday to Carmen, while she's busily talking to Meikee, yet we didn't succeed?
Tiring one. >.<
Remember how tired you all are pushing me up the hill to Cafe B? Somemore I suggested to eat in Cafe C for the chicken rice...
Remember the movie night we watched "Couples retreat", extremely stupid one?
Remember how we always plan a trip?
Owh~ I miss you all.
And, do miss me.
Come visit me... As it will be easier for me to visit you all.
But sometimes, feelings's gonna change with time passing by so fast.
We might not have to topics after years later.
We might not have the feelings to gather as we all have our friends dy.
But, I do adore the time we've gone through together.
Many many first time.

Signed off.



  1. Awwwww... Eh so nice the photos, especially the way you listed them one by one. So touching. XD Wonder if all of them saw it already. I'm sure they'd cry! At least one. =D

    Don't worry too much.. Close friends are not separated by distance, I believe. =]

  2. Aww~ which one is the "at least one"?? Dunno they know bout my blog or not... Didn't promote it anywhere =)
