Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Melissa's Birthday!! 17th lu...^.^

Today's Melissa's birthday... My "Siaw siaw" buddy in Mdm Ting's tuition and my dearest "Ah Sa"(ngong ngong girl) in school....
She's such a cheerful girl, i would say...
The smile.......OWH!!! *mesmerising*
The beauty....OWH!!! *saliva dripping*
The gesture.....OWH!! *awesome*
Haha...Am i too over a.k.a. exaggerating now??
Nvm, it's her birthday wad...as long as she's happy^.^
But, i bet if she's reading tis article now, she will be.......#@%@%$#
"Ah Sa, stop!!! Don't scold me anymore~"
So, someone bought a cake, someone gathered people, someone did something secretively, and it all put up to a surprise party for Melissa in koperasi!!
Great, isnt it?
My first time to step into koperasi and that's also my first time to enjoy the aircon in it....*woooo....*
Eh, no no no!! That's not the point, girl!
It's the party....
A cake, which i dunno the flavour, too yummy to be known...lol
The query expression when i entered the room wif question like, "Y so late geh? I thought i ask u to wait here earlier?"
"Hehe...Dating..." no lar, no lar, should be i met my friends and the koperasi door was strangely closed wif some noise in it, when i reached.... but din dare to knock, so went off to look for others...
By the time i went back, they're cutting cakes.... i missed out the birthday song part, but photo-taking still had me in it....haha.... cant wait for the photos to be uploaded.... *wui yon, sent me ya~*
But then, i did send a "birthday song's lyrics" to Ah Sa early in the morning today, so fair square??
Hah~ Today was nice, except the test paper giving part....Not to mention my results....
Nvm, my mood is still.... GOOD!!!

Happy 17th Birthday, Ah Sa!!!



A break, a breathe....Achak! *smile*

It's often the dark side of situation which appeared in my mind before the daylight entered...
It's always the problems which i figured before the solution appeared (of course!!)
It's always the sadness which inspired me more than the happiness....
Today, i wanna let the joy to fill my inner, the fun to be my partner and the happiness to be shared among us....
Another photo-loaded article...
Let the photos speaks...


Me: Yeah.... I know=P

Computer: $#^^##$#W#*!@#$@....
Not u....It's them>>>>
Me: What? two bunnies oni?
Computer: Of course not! Get ready and laugh till ur belly burst, till the house is shaken and u'll realise the truth tat u're not cute, there r many which are cuter than u r....
My turn, "*$%@$%$...."

Me: Erm........hmm....
Computer: Admit it!! They ARE cute!!
Me: Ok...yea~ but...but....i'm quite cute too wad....
Computer: Come on lar!! Dont cheat urself....Noone will put the word "cute" on a mushroom, k?
Me: *sobsob* Really?? Sad...
Computer: Ok, fine...Mayb there will be some, like those who read ur blog now, isnt it? By the way, let me tell u something...
Me: What?
Computer: Since i make u sad,
Me: How?
Computer: As usual, look at these photos...

Me: o.O so cold....wad type of joke is tis?
Computer: Nope...not yet, the joke is coming....See??

Computer: Now, smile....
Me: Bluek~
Computer: Now, wanna see how u could make ur teacher feel angry??
Me: As if u have the ways.....U know, i've got really "great" teacher wif me all tis while, teaching us "great great" things wif many "great great ways",so i can't find more "great" ways to make them angry....
Computer: This is the way>>>
  • For maths---
  • For add maths---

Me: Teacher will say!! "What type of sets is this? Ngong Ngong Girl!!!"

  • For English---
  • For Biology---
Me: Haha....Hope my teacher will accept tis way, if so, i will draw as much as i could~
Computer: U laugh??!!
Me: Erm, ooppss....No!!! I didn't!
Computer: Nvm, the last....
  • For Chinese---

Computer: Enough?? Actually,

Me: Anymore?
Computer: No more.... Hah~ cant entertain u anymore....If not smiling now, just u-turn. scroll up the page and view the pictures all over again.... oh ya!! as i'm afraid it's bout copyrighted thingi, all these photos are taken from vi.sualize.us

Computer: Finally,




Sunday, September 27, 2009


(1) 请老实的回答每一个问题。
(2) 不行擅自塗改題目。
(3) 写完请点10位小朋友,不可不点。
(4) 点完后请通知那10位小朋友他被点到了。

♥ 被点到的:
1. Ding Ting
2. Sin Yee
3. Ida
4. Keryn
5. Chon Fan
6. Yian Ping
7. Jia Jia
8. Wei Yin
9. Zhi Yong
10. Ting Shien


01-[ 4号认识6号吗? ]
> 应该不认识,毕竟不同校...

02-[ 10号是男还是女? ]
> 男

03-[ 8号的兴趣是? ]
> 本来以为是画画,不过,之后发现,她很爱拍照哦。。。应该算兴趣吧?

04-[ 1号有没有兄弟姐妹? ]
> 有...

05-[7号姓氏? ]
> 姓李。

06-[ 10号人缘好吗? ]
> 还不错,他是人见人爱型的。。。

07-[ 4号有人追吗? ]
> 或许有吧,我不清楚哦,不过她有个交往很久的男朋友了,很甜蜜哦~

08-[ 承上2号呢? ]
> 她也应该目前没有人追,不过,她挺神秘的,我不晓得实况如何。。。

09-[ 6号喜欢的颜色是? ]
> 完了!!我不知道诶。。。我乱猜咯,嗯。。。粉红色?

10-[ 3号和10号是朋友吗? ]
> 是!!他们都是班上的画画天才呢。。。

11-[ 8号的生日是? ]
> 刚过。。。应该是在八月吧。。。实际日期忘了诶,对不起。。。

12-[ 5号读哪呢? ]
> SMK Green Road

13-[ 你怎么认识10号的? ]
> 升上form2D时才知道这号会画画的人物的。。。

14-[ 你跟1号的生日差几个月? ]
> 9个月

15-[ 你和9号有出去玩过吗? ]
> 不曾哦,不过曾经一起参加party玩在一块儿啦。。。

16-[ 你喜欢和2号聊天吗? ]
> 很少,不过我还蛮喜欢看她的部落格的,很深奥的文章词汇、

17-[ 你喜欢和3号在一起吗? ]
> 喜欢啊。。。最喜欢用手钻进她厚厚的头发里,很舒服呢~哈哈

18-[ 你觉得7号人怎么样? ]
> 人超好的!!我的姐妹诶。。。

19-[ 你觉得9号人怎么样? ]
> 很可爱咯,一直念念不忘他小学时,我称呼他的外号。。。

20-[ 你爱5号吗? ]
> 哇塞!麻辣问题。。。理论上我都很爱我的朋友啦,所以应该也是爱他咯。。。不过此爱非比彼爱哦。。。


1. 是谁传給你这份问卷的
> Ding Ting~

2. 你们认识多久呢
> 从小学开始啊。。。好久好久

3. 你觉得他(她)对你來说很重要吗
> 我的朋友对我来说都很重要诶。。。她当然也不在话下咯。。。

4. 你与他(她)的关系是
> 朋友。

5. 你觉得他(她)的个性如何
> 还蛮开朗的,应该是位小女人,因为她总是替她的另一半着想。。

6. 请问他(她)的兴趣是
> 我觉得应该是唱歌。。。


問 : 當你在更衣室沖水 门忽然被打开了你会
答 : 自然反应---喊!接着把门关上。

問 : 海中忽然大浪來襲后 你发现比基尼小姐上身泳裝被沖掉了你会
答 : 目瞪口呆,看她接下来会怎么处理这尴尬的场面,好让我以后若遇到同样的问题,也方便解决嘛~

問 : 去海边玩会使用咩交通工具
答 : 正常应该是车,不过若情况允许,我希望是和另一半骑着脚踏车去。。。

問 : 你突然发现沒帶泳裝 泳衣你会買吗
答 : 不会~去海边嘛,穿什么就用什么游咯,又没有像游泳池的规定。

問 : 会的。。
答 : --

問 : 回去时 发现有其他遊客手机沒拿 你会觉得是哪牌子的
答 : LG的,因为LG电话还蛮小的啊~

問 : 海边对你來说是
答 : 回忆,他留给我的回忆。。。

問 : 看到镜子 会不由自主的向前吗
答 : 会,不止镜子哦,车窗,或电烧壶,只要是看得到自己的物体,我都会照照。。嘻嘻

問 : 经常用洗面乳吗
答 : 嗯,洗脸必备。

問 : 说到自恋会想到谁
答 : 自己啊 ×骄傲的嘞× ,不过Ah Sa 自从剪了头发后,也开始猛照镜子了。。。

問 : 有人说该減肥了你会
答 : “拜托!能吃是福诶~我才不要折磨自己的肚子呢~”



Thursday, September 24, 2009



看到照片里的那双袜子吗?The shocks... specially for u... Ida, for me, u're really an independent girl who could judge things at the right time, the right way, the right logic as compared to me... However, ur independence doesn't cause pressure to the others... like the shocks...though it's long, it's tight, however, it's colourful, just like how u brought colours to my life, with ur fluffy hair and cheeky smile...haha... Btw, u've got really nice pairs of legs, dada... Phewitt~ haha...XD



Wednesday, September 23, 2009









I know that u might not be able to find my blog over here...hehe... i bet when u see ur name in tis post, ur head might be exploded with ashes of anger already... However, i wanna tell u, sometimes, individualistic isn't really good... "No man is an island". U need friends... See?? Love is formed through many ppl, through the strength of many and not only one.. So, try to adapt to the others... I'm glad i'm one of ur frends, really! U taught me lots of things too, no doubt=D


小象(heng chuan):
嘻嘻! 这张照片我一看到时,我的脑海就浮现你的样子了。。。你给我的感觉就是快乐,无忧无虑。 “高枕无忧”是我希望未来能在你身上看到的。。。希望你的纯真和快乐可以感染人,不要因为世俗的事,吧自己最初那单纯的心给污染了。。。继续加油!! 哪怕是上课偷偷打Game也好可爱。。。哈哈,照片里其他人可能是你未来孩子的样子哦。。。哇~几羡慕的,好和乐的一家人!!

Ah sa:

你有时候太ging 了。。。太约束自己,让我都猜不透你在想什么。。。不过,我真的有看到你真心的笑容。。。是和真正了解自己的知心朋友才会有这般笑容吗?希望可以多了解你。。。你这朋友,很有意思,虽然话不多,但和你说话时,都很开心。。。为我原本很无聊的补习增添了不少欢笑。。。 我还是很高调的,哈哈!!

我将这一张照片送给你们。。。说真的,没什么意思,只是希望你们以后都可以寻找到你们真正生活里的那片拼图。。。将一生和那个他一起度过。。。Nikki,Valarie, 来!一起做那个招牌动作:“我们以后一定要嫁×××!” 哈哈。。。。开玩笑。

This is for you, gladys... U know, the other day when i went to Trinity Church Book Store to buy some book marks, i saw the book mark by the name "gladys" too... It says, Gladys= God's princess.... Such a beautiful name u had... I don't really know u well, i would say... But, for me, u're really close to 100%, yet not perfect enough i guess... I'm not sure whether u ever have the feelings of being tired to be thought as the perfect one... If yes, then, the words in the picture are specially dedicated to u...

For u, i've not much to say...the words above expressed everything...don't keep on searching now, dont be frustrated bout it... When time passes, when fate comes, u'll sooner o later find the only one....the Chris's one...

It's quite true i would say... But, the first sentence, i would change it into: It is only when you have lost everything, except ur faith in God......that u are free to do anything.=D
Understand me?




还有, 我要借这机会抗议:
草原里的蘑菇诶!! 被我找到了吧?! 哈哈。。。胜利!=D



