还没开始写部落格前,常常会想: 我要写这个这个。。。
第一次:bio老师本来说星期三才给我们小考。。所以,星期二,我只需要专注我的chemistry and maths...那知,星期二的bio tutorial老师换人,突然要给我们小考。。。我们每个都没准备。。。我拿到考卷的当下真想撞墙自尽算了!! 我真的不喜欢自己没尽力,就拿不好成绩。。。
第二次:bio老师。。。有是那个新老师,她在班上讨论题目,要我们一个一个回答问题。。。结果,问到我时,因为那题目我还没做,我不知道答案,所以,我老实的说我不会,结果。。。老师竟然要我罚站!! 曾几何时我没再听到罚站这词。。。
不想那些性马的,they have already finished sorting the questions...with answers in front of them, none of them even bother to give me the answer...everyone seems like not knowing or mayb they purposely rejected my S.O.S....
Thinking back how i have treated them for the past 1 month, when they got bad results, i became the teacher, taught them chemistry for 2 hours that very night in library....
When they need help in homework, i let them copied...
Even during topical quiz, cos they got really bad results for the 1st topical quiz, so teacher held another quiz right on the next day...
As teacher was not there, i was appointed to be the leader, to collect all the quiz paper...
There, i finished my quiz test really early and helped them questions by questions, ensuring everyone got at least 20 and above(over 30 marks) for that quiz....
Now, i only need a small help, no even bother to look at me....Noone even bother to whisper the answers....Noone at all!!!
Not that i helped them for a grant....
I just hoped i can get their help when i really need them, like in this incident...
Every students passingby, will look at me, how embarrassed i am....T.T
Anyway, i'm really disappointed with them...
Although like that, next time if they need help, i will still help them...
Cos for me, if i noe, if i've finished my work, y cant i lend them my hand?
It's up to them on how to return tis care back to me...
Not much hope, but without this incident, it would b more perfect...=)
感谢他每次每次都作我的小佣人。。。帮我买食物 ,帮我提包包。。我哭时,还利用休息时间,到lab外面等我,就为了让我不哭。。。谢谢他。。。
pre ups maths quiz真的很难。。。
没有carmen在身边, 超没安全感的。。。
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